
JEWISH YOUTH NETWORK (JYN) is a pioneer, charitable outreach organization unaffiliated with any synagogue or particular community. We are dedicated to the spiritual and social wellness of today’s Jewish Youth throughout Ontario.

OUR GOAL is to provide across-the-spectrum educational and recreational programming for today’s youth that makes Judaism relevant, alive and engaging. JYN’s sensible combination of social and academic programs generates the perfect blend to make Jewish values real and appealing to today’s youth, ensuring their commitment for tomorrow.

FUNDING for JYN is generated solely from its own fundraising campaigns and the charitable giving of individuals. Although tomorrow is yet to come, ensuring its success is the concern of today.

Jewish Youth Network is a Registered Charity with the CRA and is authorized to issue charitable tax receipts. The Jewish Youth Network’s number is 82054 1555 RR0001

Jewish Youth Network Audited Financials are prepared by Schwartz Levitsky Feldman LLP.

Special acknowledgement to Mr. David Fluss O.B.M. of Fluss Partners who’s guidance has shaped the strategy and stability of JYN.

To learn more about our budget and ways you can help please contact Rabbi Shmuli or one of our board members.

Thank you for partaking in dedicating Marky’s Music Room.

Please share this with your friends on social media so they can join as well.. 
