
Let your Light Shine

It’s been a hard year— for everyone. Lots of confusion, fear and even sorrow. The time has come for a much needed pick-me-up. And JYN has found an ideal medium to deliver a beacon of hope to a despondent community: a song and music video!! In collaboration with Cole Resnick of Kid Kole fame, JYN is promoting an uplifting message of faith, strength and reassurance through song and dance. Music is the pen of the soul. It brings us joy and hope, and unites us in a way like nothing else can. So JYN has sent out a casting call for recruits to participate in our new collab. No talent or experience necessary! Just an enjoyable, creative way to help JYN put a positive message out there. Share the song and reach out if you would like to be part of the upcoming music video.

“Rise”–the Song!

We are on a roll (pun intended)! JYN, in colab with alumnus Cole Resnick, aka Kid Kole, has now put out a second song called “Rise” in addition to the previous hit “Let Your Light Shine!” These songs are inspirational and deep in content, yet with a catchy and upbeat tune. They are now available on Spotify, Apple Music and all other online music platforms. Search the Jewish Youth Network and give them a listen–you’ll get hooked! Add them to your “favourites” playlist for some good energy and a positive Jewish vibe.

More music coming soon!

Thank you for partaking in dedicating Marky’s Music Room.

Please share this with your friends on social media so they can join as well.. 
