
Hi, my name is Sophie Rich. I am a grade 10 student at Westmount C.I, and this is my
second year in JYN. Over the past two years, JYN has taught me so much and has
been such an enjoyable experience. Once a week, we meet at JYN, and each week I
gain more and more knowledge. Read more
Sophie Rich
Grade 10
Westmount C.I.
My name is Orly Balilty and over the past year and a half I have been able to partake in JYN programs and the great experiences that come with it. JYN has taught me many lessons about being a Jew and I have been able to expand my
learning and ask questions through this program. Read more
Orly Balilty
Grade 10
Thornhill S.S.
Hi I’m Sivan Balilty and I’ve been at JYN for almost two years. First I’d like to say that I’ve enjoyed being able to take classes with Rabbi Shmuli throughout the time I’ve been here at JYN. Read more
Sivan Balilty
Grade 10
Thornhill S.S.
Hello! I am Riley Rangel and I am currently in grade 12, enrolled at Stephen Lewis Secondary
School. I am in the midst of my second year with JYN and even with such little JYN experience, I can truly say it has been life changing. I decided to join JYN after hearing many good
things about the program from my close friends. Read more
Riley Rangel
Grade 12
Stephen Lewis S.S.
Hello, my name is Ashley Shulman and I am honoured to be chosen as one of the
teens to speak, regarding my involvement in JYN. Taking part in my second year in this program, I am more than thrilled to be a part
of the Jewish Youth Network. Read more
Ashley Shulman
Grade 10
Westmount C.I.
Hi, my name is Moussie Stebben and this summer I had the opportunity to take part in JYN’s Over The Top – West Coast Summer program. It was a life changing experience that I will never forget. I am 17 years old and a student at Avenue Road Academy. I’m a martial artist and enjoy hiking in nature and playing Read more
Moussie Stebben
Grade 12
Avenue Road Academy
Growing up, I was part of a Jewish day school community and was greatly involved in the community. When I reached high school, this bubble that I was a part of had come to an end. I was truly devastated about the fact that I was no longer able to learn about my Jewish history, my religion and my values as a Jew. Read more
Danib Maresky
Grade 11,
Westmount C.I. .
During the past two years, I have been fortunate to be a part of JYN. It has taught me many new and interesting things that I did not know about prior to joining this “Network”. Most lessons were led by Rabbi Shmuli, teaching us different practical and interesting lessons. Read more
Ethan Cohen
Grade 11,
Stephen Lewis S.S.
Hi, my name is Lauren Schatzky, and in addition to attending Stephen Lewis as a grade 11 student, I am a proud student at JYN Academy. I have had the honour of learning from Rabbi Shmuli for 2 years now, taking both Jewish Philosophy, and Jewish Identity and Empowerment. Read more
Lauren Schatzky
Grade 11,
Stephen Lewis S.S
My name is Jordan Greenberg and I am 16 years old. I am currently in grade 11 at Westmount Collegiate Institute and take a JYN Academy Class as an extra credit outside of school. I started taking JYN in Grade 10 and I plan on taking it in Grade 12 as well. Read more
Jordan Greenberg
Grade 11,
Westmount C.I.
Hi, my name is Noa. I’m a grade 9 student at Westmount. I found out about JYN through my parents who have been long time JYN-supporters and friends with Rabbi Shmuli. Watching my parents become so involved with the organization made me want to be part of the program. Read more
Noa Kastroyano
Grade 9,
Westmount C.I.
My name is Aaron Litvack, and I am a grade 9 student at Stephen Lewis Secondary School. At my school there are many Jewish teens who are not yet involved with JYN and the JYNAcademy. Being chosen as the grade 9 student ambassador for my school, it is my responsibility to get more teens involved with JYN. I think it is important for all Read more
Aaron Litvack
Grade 9
Stephen Lewis Secondary School
I emigrated from South Africa to Canada in October 2008, and a month later I started Hebrew school, becoming part of the JYN family; 7 years later I am still here. My experiences at Hebrew school could not have been better as I had the most welcoming and encouraging teachers. I had such a close relationship Read more
Erin Rudolph
Grade 10
Stephen Lewis Secondary School
Last year I was lucky enough to get involved with the Jewish Youth Network. It is a privilege to learn with Rabbi Shmuli. He always ensures that our time in classes are fun and engaging. In our classes, we learn valuable lessons about Judaism, ranging from the meaning of our traditions to an overview of our Jewish Read more
Jordi Nackan
Grade 10
Westmount Collegiate
Throughout the past two years, I have been an active member of JYN’s Teens for the Community (TFC) program. TFC is a program for high school students who want to have a significant impact on our local community and in Israel. Fortunately, many of the TFC participants are privileged, healthy teens who have the opportunity to get a high- Read more
Kylie Shulman
Grade 12
Wallenberg Chat
My name is Carly Shea. I go to Westmount Collegiate Institute, which is actually where I heard about how to get involved in JYN. I had been trying to find a great way to get involved in our community and have fun while doing it. JYN’s Teens for the Community program, was the perfect way to start off my Grade 10 year. I made Read more
Carly Shea
Grade 11
For the past three years I have gladly been able to be a part of the Jewish Youth Network. My experience at JYN has only been positive, and year after year it keeps getting better. Rabbi Shmuli has not only educated me, but so many other students as well, on what it means to be Jewish. Rabbi Shmuli’s classes are always Read more
Carly Milunsky
Grade 11
Blyth Academy
About 5 years ago I joined JYN. I thought it was just some course that teaches me about Judaism; I was wrong. JYN is an unbelievable, educational, safe and extremely fun environment to be a part of. This program is a great way to learn about Jewish studies and get high school credits. People build long lasting friendships Read more
Johnny Benbassat
Grade 12
Hi. My name is Aaron Rabinowitz. I am 16 years old and currently in Grade 11 at Westmount Collegiate. I have been involved with the Jewish Youth Network programs and with Rabbi Shmuli since Grade 9. My mom saw the JYN Academy class on Facebook and thought that it would be a great program for Read more
Aaron Rabinowitz
Grade 11
Stimulating. Inclusive. Social. Engaging. This is JYN Academy. My name is Jessica Brooke and I am currently in grade 12 at Stephen Lewis Secondary School. I have been a part of JYN since the first week of grade 9, and each and every year has exceeded my expectations of this program. In my opinion, JYN is definitely Read more
Jessica Brooke
Grade 12
Stephen Lewis Secondary School
Hi, I’m Ryan Levy. I’m a grade 11 student at Westmount C.I. and I’ve been in JYN since Grade 9, while being an ambassador since Grade 10. JYN is a fantastic program that I’m proud to have a leadership position in. It’s a super fun program where we all get to laugh and learn for 2 hours! We always learn what matters Read more
Ryan Levy
Grade 11
Westmount C.I.
Hi! My name is Aliza Saskin and I have been a member of the South branch of Teens for the Community since its establishment. My involvement in TFC for the past three years has been educational, fun and very rewarding. What we do at TFC is simple. We join together and plan events that benefit four different Read more
Aliza Saskin
Grade 12
Tanenbaum Chat
My name is Avi Freedland and I have been involved with an array of various Jewish learning environments almost my entire life. Whether it be counseling at URJ’s Camp George or teaching at Temple Sinai, understanding Judaism has always interested me and Torah for Teens has only made my views Read more
Avi Freedland
Grade 12
Westmount Collegiate
Chabad Youth Network has offered me an experience that no other school had been able to offer. I started taking this course in grade ten, and every year it had been extremely enjoyable. I have not only learned about my religion is depth, but have been able to appreciate the aspects Judaism. Rabbi Shmuli Nachlas Read more
Carly Yanofsky
Grade 12
Westmount Collegiate
The typical teenager has a very busy schedule attending school for a dreadful eight hours a day and generally doesn’t have an opportunity to acknowledge the issues that exist within our community, or mingle with kids their own age that aren’t able to enjoy the necessities and luxuries of life that we enjoy on a daily basis. Growing Read more
Gilad Spector
Grade 12
Kimmel Chat
Margaret Mead once said, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” My name is Maya Azouri and once a week, I dedicate two hours of my night to a small group called Chabad Youth Network, taking part in the Teens For the Community program. Read more
Maya Azouri
Grade 11
Tanenbaum Chat
We are all familiar with the saying: “You don’t appreciate what you’ve got till it’s gone.” This could not be truer in the case of Torah for Teens. At the time of my involvement, Torah for Teens was, for me, nothing more than a two-hour class, once a week. Though the class work was interesting and not too difficult, the simple thought of having to attend Read more
Robbie Raskin
1st Year
University of Western Ontario
Why do I love JYN so much? Let me tell you, it is so difficult to begin to explain why! Well, let’s start with the moment we get to the JYN Centre for our T4T class. My friends and I all know exactly what’s in store for us: an exciting, fun atmosphere along with 2 hours of solid, intriguing education. Being able to connect Read more
Ashley Abramovitz
Grade 12
Westmount C.I.
When I was younger, my Jewish education basically consisted of a twice-weekly visit to Hebrew School, and some off-handed lessons from my Bubby at Shabbat dinner—that was about it. Fast forward a few years. At the beginning of Grade 11, I made the decision to dedicate 2 hours of my day once a week to Read more
Charlotte Tyber
Grade 12
North Toronto Collegiate Institute
This is the second consecutive year that I am taking part in Torah for Teens. From the beginning of my first class in grade eleven to now entering my last year of high school, Torah for Teens has and will continue to make my transition from secondary school to post secondary education much more enjoyable Read more
Jordana Moss
Grade 12
Stephen Lewis S.S.
I registered for T4T in my second year of high school so that I could earn an extra credit. I never expected to enjoy the classes and I certainly never thought I would look forward to going to an extra after school class each week. From the moment I walked in, I felt welcome and I felt like I belonged. There’s something about Read more
Josh Seidman
Grade 12
Westmount C.I.
The Jewish Youth Network is an
integral part of my life. This will my third year attending Torah for Teens and this program has meant so much to me. As a grade twelve student at Richmond Hill High School, I encounter a very multicultural, diverse social environment– worlds away from any organized Jewish setting. Read more
Mallory Hostick
Grade 12
Richmond Hill High School
At their base in Iraq, several Jewish troops gathered under a makeshift Sukkah to pray and enjoy a festive meal in honour of the Sukkot Holiday. The General who was leading the service was a former Rabbi and was very enthusiastic about praying on the battlefield. As they were eating their meal, they suddenly heard the crackling Read more
Mitch Consky
University of Laurier
My name is David Carmona and I am one of the Committee Executives for this year’s Teens For the Community. Currently, I attend 12th Grade at the Community Hebrew Academy of Toronto, Wallenberg Campus. Although this will be my second year participating in this amazing program, I knew from the get-go that there was going to be a Read more
David Carmona
Grade 12
CHAT Wallenberg Campus
I joined JYN in grade nine, hoping to get some community service hours. I figured I’d go in once a week, spend some time with my old friends, make some new ones and maybe, if I was lucky, actually enjoy myself. But just months later, I was attending executive meetings and putting in tons of extra and ‘unnecessary’ hours in order to help Read more
Nachi Robbins
Grade 12
Tannenbaum Chat
Our family’s relationship with JYN and Rabbi Shmuli dates back about 7 years ago, when my older became involved with the Teens For the Community (TFC) volunteer program. Since then, the rest of us siblings duly fell in line, also attending TFC meetings and initiating community service projects. Even my mother jumped on board, selflessly donating Read more
Raquel Benitah
Grade 11
Kimel CHAT
I first learned about Torah 4 Teens and JYN from my older sister who was a former student and from a few of my friends who had taken the program when they were in grade 9 and I decided to sign up for grade 10. I figured it would be a good way to get a credit and if my sister enjoyed it then maybe there was Read more
Spencer Himelfarb
1st Year
York University
My name is Bailey Gelfant and I am a grade twelve student attending Stephen Lewis Secondary School. I have been apart of JYN since I turned four, when I entered the JYN Hebrew school doors on the very first day, shy and nervous about what I was going to experience. From that day forward, I can honestly say, Read more
Roman Kleyn
1st Year
McMaster University
I had kind of always known about JYN because at my high school (Westmount) most of my friends were involved in one program or another. I had gone to Hebrew school for 7 years when I was younger and after I started high school it was a personal choice of
mine to get involved with JYN. I started in grade 9 Read more
Abby Gold
1st Year
McGill University
Growing up, I was part of a Jewish day school community and was greatly involved in the community. When I reached high school, this bubble that I was a part of had come to an end. I was truly devastated about the fact that I was no longer able to learn about my Jewish history, my religion and my values as a Jew. After countless hours of Read more
Dani Maresky
Grade 11
Westmount C.I.
During the past two years, I have been fortunate to be a part of JYN. It has taught me many new and interesting things that I did not know about prior to joining this “Network”. Most lessons were led by Rabbi Shmuli, teaching us different practical and interesting lessons. What I enjoy most about Rabbi Shmuli’s sessions, Read more
Ethan Cohen
Grade 11
Stephen Lewis S.S.
Hi, my name is Lauren Schatzky, and in addition to attending Stephen Lewis as a grade 11 student, I am a proud student at JYN Academy. I have had the honour of learning from Rabbi Shmuli for 2 years now, taking both Jewish Philosophy, and Jewish Identity and Empowerment. I can sincerely say that JYN provides you with valuable knowledge, Read more
Lauren Schatzky
Grade 11
Stephen Lewis S.S
My name is Jordan Greenberg and I am 16 years old. I am currently in grade 11 at Westmount Collegiate Institute and take a JYN Academy Class as an extra credit outside of school. I started taking JYN in Grade 10 and I plan on taking it in Grade 12 as well. Before I started JYN, I was excited to get the extra credit, hang out with my Read more
Jordan Greenberg
Grade 11
Westmount C.I.
Hi, my name is Noa. I’m a grade 9 student at Westmount. I found out about JYN through my parents who have been long time JYN-supporters and friends with Rabbi Shmuli. Watching my parents become so involved with the organization made me want to be part of the program. I have been involved in JYN for the past 2 years Read more
Noa Kastroyano
Grade 9
Westmount C.I.
When I was in elementary school, my two brothers participated in JYN. Week after week, they came home after class and shared stories, as well as educated my family on the lessons learned in class. I didn’t understand what could possibly be so enjoyable about school, after a full day of school? After hearing so much about Read more
Hailey Kotansky
Grade 11
Westmount C.I.
I will never forget the first time I went to JYN… My Mom had suggested it earlier that week, to encourage me to partake in a weekly class where I could learn about my religion with a Rabbi. Well, let’s just say that my first visit to JYN was NOT your average “walk into your local Shul and meet the Rabbi” scenario. As soon as I walked in, Read more
Mary Stone
Grade 11
Westmount C.I.
My name is Bailey Gelfant and I am a grade twelve student attending Stephen Lewis Secondary School. I have been apart of JYN since I turned four, when I entered the JYN Hebrew school doors on the very first day, shy and nervous about what I was going to experience. From that day forward, I can honestly say, Read more
Bailey Gelfant
Grade 12
Stephen Lewis S.S
Jewish Youth Network has been in my life for an entire decade. Having been in public school for my entire life, I never had a lot of exposure when it came to the Torah, Hebrew, and Judaism as a whole. Then, around the time I entered grade school, my mother decided that it was a good idea to send me to JYN Hebrew school (CYN, at the time). Read more
Jake Levy
Grade 12
Stephen Lewis S.S.
It was mid April and my friend Michael phoned me up said “Ave, do you want to earn some community service hours?” I still needed to collect my mandatory 18 for the year so I agreed to show up to Starbucks on Eglington to meet with a Rabbi named Shumli. He had talked to my parents prior to the meeting to legitimize what was going to happen; Read more
Avery Gales
Grade 11
Tenenbaum Chat
CYN is a great organization. Speaking from experience, the programs being run for the Jewish youth of Toronto and surrounding area are a very positive part of the community. I partook in Torah for teens from grade 9 through grade 12. It helped shape the morals and values I have today, as well as provide me with a sense of belonging Read more
Bevlyn Hetz
2nd Year
University of Toronto
I joined CYN last year and I am so proud to be part of this rewarding program. Each week, I have the privilege of contributing to the community in a positive manner. For example, last week, I had the opportunity to assist a young single Jewish woman who was in need of assistance. How amazing is that, that I am part of something so positive? Read more
Olivia Bencetrit
Grade 10
Kimel Chat
My Jewish education wasn’t very strong when I was younger. I went to the typical weekend Hebrew school, and occasionally to synagogue on the high holidays, but that’s about it. It was mostly do this, follow that, but I never knew why; I just did it. Participating in Teens for the Community, and attending Torah for Teens has really opened my eyes to how Read more
Brittany Colton
Grade 10
Vaughan Secondary
Just last year, I heard about a group moving south from Thornhill to the lower Toronto area called Teens for the Community (TFC). I did not know much about it, but it seemed like a fun and fulfilling way to get involved with the community. After one meeting with my peers, Rabbi Shumli welcomed us and told us all about the program. Read more
Molli Worb
Grade 11
Tenenbaum Chat
My name is Erica Melamed. I currently attend Tanenbaum CHAT high school as a grade 12 student. Four years ago, I along with my family, moved to Toronto. At first I was extremely overwhelmed by the vast size of Toronto and in awe of Toronto’s strong Jewish community, but in the beginning I did not see myself as an active member of the community. Read more
Erica Melamed
Grade 12
Kimel Chat
I’m Jake Fortinsky, an 11th grader who has fallen in love with the Torah for Teens class. I have felt welcomed by the Chabad Youth Network ever since I joined their many programs. For example, when I played in the Charity Basketball Tournament, it was a great experience for me because I was able to meet fellow Jews and become Read more
Jake Fortinsky
Grade 11
Thornhill SS
I remember my first class of Torah for Teens. I had joined the program a little late, so the class was on Halloween. From the moment Rabbi Shmuli began talking I knew that this course was going to be very different from any other that I had taken. We began to have debates, and I found myself very engaged and interested in what we were talking about. Read more
Rachel Shamis
Queens University
Eight years ago a close member of my family passed away. My thoughts scattered, questions raced through my mind; I wanted to be left alone, to recollect my thoughts of this overwhelming event. My youngest brother suggested I go to shul; I laughed at the thought. Why? Is it Yom Kippur? That’s when I met Read more
Melissa Perez
York University
After two years it’s amazing that the Rabbi consistently answers every question I throw at him, and trust me, I ask a lot of questions. It’s no wonder my class has more than doubled in size since last year! Every Tuesday, after a hard day at school, I’m overjoyed to go to Torah for Teens because the moment I enter the class a huge rush Read more
Kara Vogler
Grade 10
Westmount CI
Three words: Torah 4 Teens. So many words come to mind, but what is it that makes these three simple words so special? I began T4T in Grade Nine, new to the whole change in scenery as I transferred from a Jewish elementary middle-school to a non-Jewish high-school. I could not have been more nervous in trying to maintain Read more
Gabi Eliasoph
Queens University
My name is Edan Bachar and I am a 15 year old boy from Thornhill. I attend CHAR and I am part of TFC – Teens For the Community program. This is my second year joining the committee and I really enjoy it. I love coming to Chabad Youth Network to volunteer or even just to hang out. As part of TFC, Rabbi Shmuli and Chabad Youth Network Read more
Edan Bachar
Grade 10

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